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How to Protect Your Home While on Vacation [12 Summer Home Security Tips]

It’s time for a summer getaway. You’ve checked to make sure everything is packed up and ready to go, and it’s time to leave the homestead behind for a well-deserved family vacation.

It’s a lot easier to strike out on that adventure with peace of mind if you’re not worrying about your home while you’re gone. So, we put together the following summer home security tips to rescue you from your worries—and even save you a few bucks while you’re at it.

12 Summer Home Security Tips 

Nearly 850,000 home burglaries occur every year in the US, and more of them happen in the summer than any other time of year. Families tend to plan their vacation time for the summer months, leaving their homes as a prime target for criminals.

To help secure your home against crime, bad weather, and unnecessary expenses, here are 12 tips on how to protect your home while on vacation.

1. Unplug Devices

Unplugging electronic devices is a great way to save a few dollars while you’re gone while also making your home safer. If there’s a bad storm while you’re away, you don’t have to worry about lightning damaging those devices, and you can also rest easier knowing there’s less risk of starting an electrical fire.

2. Hide Your Valuables

There’s no sense in making things easy for an intruder. Keeping your valuables out of plain sight is about more than having a well-hidden safe for your fine jewelry.

Don’t leave other desirable items, like game systems, collectibles, and expensive electronics, out in plain view where a peek through the window lets someone know there’s a reason to risk breaking in.

3. Make Sure You’ve Locked Your Doors

It’s a terrible feeling to get a few hours down the road and start wondering if you really locked all your doors. If you need extra assurance, eliminate any doubts by making a checklist and crossing off that item before you leave.

Better yet, Fluent’s smart locks give you the ability to lock your doors remotely. This means you can rest assured everything’s locked up tight, even if you didn’t check before you left. You can also provide someone keyless entry while you’re away if necessary.

4. Stop Package Deliveries

If you know you’ll be out of town, hold off on those eBay auctions and Amazon deals until you’re back home. You can also have the post office and other shipping companies hold package deliveries until you return.

5. Install a Doorbell Camera

Considering 34% of burglars enter through the front door, making a Fluent Smart Doorbell Camera your first line of defense is a wise move. With 24/7 monitoring, it will alert you when the motion detector is triggered and provide you with clear HD video to see front door activity. With two-way audio, you can communicate with anyone at your door, even when you’re out of town.

6. Add Multiple Outdoor Security Cameras

Much like a doorbell camera, strategically installing outdoor cameras around your home gives you monitoring, alerts, and the ability to communicate on-premises from anywhere via the Fluent Home app. The presence of cameras is a deterrent to criminals, and the added audiovisual data they provide will help you defend your home if someone trespasses.

7. Install Indoor Security Cameras

Your home security wouldn’t be complete without high-definition indoor cameras offering the same added level of safety inside your home with motion-activated recording and 24/7 monitoring. Indoor security cameras give you the reassurance that comes from vigilantly protecting your home—even at a distance.

8. Turn Down Your Thermostat While You’re Away

While you’re out of town, you can give your air conditioner a lighter load and turn the target temperature higher than normal. This can lower your utility bills while you’re gone as well as reducing the wear on your HVAC system.

With a Fluent Smart Home Thermostat, you can make adjustments to your home’s temperature from the Fluent Home app. No matter where you’re vacationing, you can keep an eye on your temperature settings and optimize your energy efficiency.

9. Don’t Tell the Whole World You’re Gone

People are tight-knit on social media, but your friends aren’t the only ones keeping an eye on neighborhood social media communities. Unsavory types watch to see where the easiest targets are, so don’t broadcast your absence to the whole world when you go out of town. 

Let a few key family members and friends know where you’re going, and keep in contact with them throughout your trip. But wait to share trip photos and updates on your social channels until you’ve safely returned home.

10. Leave a Car in the Driveway

If you have an extra set of wheels, a car in the driveway can add to the appearance that someone is home.

11. Have a Reliable Friend Check on Your Home

Have a trustworthy friend or neighbor check in on your house every few days to get the mail and walk through your home to make sure everything looks as it should. Their physical presence can also act as a deterrent, letting others know someone’s been there in person.

12. Maintain Your Lawn

Have a lawn service mow the lawn while you’re gone so an overgrown yard doesn’t signal your absence to an intruder.

Get a Home Security System Today with Fluent

Fluent Home understands the security needs of the modern homeowner. The freedom to explore the world and build treasured memories with family shouldn’t come at the price of security on the homefront.

Contact us to get a personalized home security and smart home system today! 

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